- Insulin resistance is associated with arterial stiffness in nondiabetic hypertensives independent of metabolic status Hypertension Res.
- Non-dippers are associated with adverse cardiac remodeling and dysfunction International journal of cardiology
- Efficacy of subintimal angioplasty/stent implantation for long, multisegmental lower limb occlusive lesions in patient unsuitable for surgery Journal of endovascular therapy
- Significance of small dense LAL as a riskfactor for coronary artery disase and acute coronary syndrome Yonsei Medical journal
- A case of acute ventricular capture threshold rise associated with flecainide acetate.- Yonsei Medical journal
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- Apoptosis in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Serum levels of Advanced Glycation End Products are assocaited with in-stent restenosis in diabetic patients
- Expression of Osteopontin in calcified coronary atherosclerotic Plaque
- Torsades de points을 동반한 Liddle 증후군 1예